Data sheet

View crop Data sheet EcoPort

Cichorium endivia

Life formherbPhysiologysingle stem
Habitacaulescent (or rosette plants)Categoryvegetables
Life spanannual, biennialPlant attributesgrown on small scale

MinMaxMinMaxSoil depthshallow (20-50 cm)shallow (20-50 cm)
Temperat. requir.1523530Soil texturemedium, organicheavy, medium, light
Rainfall (annual)100014003002500Soil fertilityhighmoderate
Latitude10-4060Soil Al. tox
Altitude --- --- -2000Soil salinitylow (<4 dS/m)low (<4 dS/m)
Soil PH6. drainagewell (dry spells)well (dry spells), excessive (dry/moderately dry)
Light intensityclear skiesclear skiesvery brightcloudy skies

Climate zonetropical wet & dry (Aw), tropical wet (Ar), steppe or semiarid (Bs), subtropical dry summer (Cs), temperate oceanic (Do), temperate continental (Dc), temperate with humid winters (Df), temperate with dry winters (Dw)Photoperiodshort day (<12 hours), neutral day (12-14 hours), long day (>14 hours)
Killing temp. during rest-5Killing temp. early growth-1
Abiotic toler.Abiotic suscept.
Introduction risks.

Product. systemhome garden, small scale (manual)Crop cycle7085
Cropping systemSubsystemCompanion speciesLevel of mechanizationLabour intensity

(at most )

Main useDetailed useUsed part
food & beveragevitaminsleaves
food & beveragemineralsleaves