Data sheet

View crop Data sheet EcoPort

Solanum melongena

Life formherbPhysiologysingle stem
HabiterectCategoryvegetables, medicinals & aromatic
Life spanannualPlant attributesgrown on large scale

MinMaxMinMaxSoil depthmedium (50-150 cm)medium (50-150 cm)
Temperat. requir.2035940Soil texturemedium, organicheavy, medium, light
Rainfall (annual)120016008004000Soil fertilityhighmoderate
Latitude---2200Soil Al. tox
Altitude --- --- -50Soil salinitylow (<4 dS/m)low (<4 dS/m)
Soil PH5. drainagewell (dry spells)well (dry spells)
Light intensityvery brightvery brightvery brightcloudy skies

Climate zonetropical wet & dry (Aw), tropical wet (Ar), desert or arid (Bw), steppe or semiarid (Bs), subtropical humid (Cf), subtropical dry summer (Cs), subtropical dry winter (Cw), temperate oceanic (Do), temperate continental (Dc), temperate with humid winters (Df), temperate with dry winters (Dw)Photoperiodshort day (<12 hours), neutral day (12-14 hours), long day (>14 hours)
Killing temp. during restno inputKilling temp. early growthno input
Abiotic toler.Abiotic suscept.
Introduction risks.

Product. systemhome garden, small scale (manual), large scale/commercial, protected cultivationCrop cycle70120
Cropping systemSubsystemCompanion speciesLevel of mechanizationLabour intensity
ley cropping

(at most )

Main useDetailed useUsed part
food & beveragevitaminsfruits
food & beverageproteinfruits
food & beveragevitaminsleaves
medicinalblood system applicationsfruits
medicinalskin applicationsfruits