Data sheet

View crop Data sheet EcoPort

Brassica oleracea var. capitata

Life formherbPhysiologysingle stem
Habitacaulescent (or rosette plants)Categoryvegetables
Life spanbiennialPlant attributesgrown on small scale

MinMaxMinMaxSoil depthshallow (20-50 cm)shallow (20-50 cm)
Temperat. requir.1524732Soil texturemedium, organicheavy, medium, light
Rainfall (annual)50010003002500Soil fertilityhighmoderate
Latitude35-5560Soil Al. tox
Altitude --- --- -2000Soil salinitylow (<4 dS/m)low (<4 dS/m)
Soil PH67.558.3Soil drainagewell (dry spells)well (dry spells)
Light intensityclear skiesclear skiesvery brightlight shade

Climate zonetropical wet & dry (Aw), tropical wet (Ar), desert or arid (Bw), steppe or semiarid (Bs), subtropical humid (Cf), subtropical dry summer (Cs), subtropical dry winter (Cw), temperate oceanic (Do), temperate continental (Dc), temperate with humid winters (Df), temperate with dry winters (Dw)Photoperiodneutral day (12-14 hours), long day (>14 hours)
Killing temp. during rest-10Killing temp. early growth-1
Abiotic toler.Abiotic suscept.
Introduction risks.

Product. systemCrop cycle60200
Cropping systemSubsystemCompanion speciesLevel of mechanizationLabour intensity

(at most )

Main useDetailed useUsed part
food & beveragevitaminsleaves
food & beveragemineralsleaves