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Rhynchosia minima

Authority(L.) DC
Common names
Ecocrop code9270

DESCRIPTION: It is a twining or sub-erect legume. Stems slender, numerous and 80 to 120 cm long. Leaves trifoliate. Inflorescence a lax 6- to 12-flowered raceme, 5 to 10 cm long with yellow flowers. USE: Used as forage plant, the palatability appears to vary widely from place to place. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: Rhynchosia, Least rhynchosia, Burn mouth vine, El Turba, Jajale, Ol'gedungaigere, Olopito. FURTHER INF: Scientific synonyms: R. nuda, R. flavissima var. macrocalyx, R. maitlandii, R. senaarensis var. macrocalyx, R. memnonia var. prostrata, R. ischnoclada, Dolichos minimus, Glycine rhombea. It is an almost cosmopolitan plant on the heavier textured soils of the tropics and subtropics. It is widespread in the Sudan and East Africa, and is also prominent from the Syrian Arab Republic to India (on black cotton soils in Mysore State) and Nepal. It also occurs from the southern United States (South Carolina to Florida and Texas) to Mexico. Rhynchosia is common in Panama and Venezuela and extends to Argentina. It is also found in all mainland sates of Australia, on heavy clay soils, particularly those high in lime and phosphorus; it also grows in association with Astrebla spp. (Mitchell grasses) and Dichanthium sericium grasslands in the 450- to 750-mm rainfall belt.
Grassland Index
Skerman P 1988 pp 386-388 [TEXT, PH, FER, RAIN]
Duke J 1981 pp 319 [PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Bogdan A 1977 pp 395-396 [DRA, SAL]
IBPGR 1984 pp 231