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Pterocarpus angolensis

SynonymsPterocarpus angolensis subsp. latifoliolatus De Wild., Pterocarpus bussei Harms, Pterocarpus dekindtianus Harms
Common namesafrican teak, bloedhout, bloodwood, dolfhout, greinhout, kajatenhout, kiaat, lakhout, mmilo, mninga, mokwa, morôtô, morotômadi, mtumbati, mukwa, murotso, mutete, mutondo, muvhangazi, mvhangazi, paddle-wood, sealing-wax tree, Transvaal teak, umBilo, umVangati, umVangatsi, umVangazi, umWangati, wild teak, wilde-kiaat
Ecocrop code9041

DESCRIPTION: It is a deciduous tree reaching up to 30 m in height. USE: Elephant and kudu browse the leaves and the flowers are a source of honey. The heartwood makes high-quality furniture, as it is easily worked, glues and screws well and takes a fine polish. It shrinks very little when drying from the green condition, and this quality, together with its high durability, makes it particularly suitable for boat building, canoes and bathroom floors. The red gummy sap contains 77% tannin. Bark preparations are used to relieve stomach disorders, headaches, blood in the urine, earache and mouth ulcers. Root preparations are used as a cure for malaria, blackwater fever, diarrhoea, bilharzias, abdominal pains, asthma and tuberculosis. The tree is planted for erosion control and as an ornamental. It can fix atmospheric nitrogen. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: African teak, bloodwood, Rhodesian teak, sealing-wax tree, Transvaal teak, wild teak. FURTHER INF: It occurs in woodlands and sometimes as stunted trees in wooded grassland on mountain tops. In South Africa, it is usually found in the lowveld in woodland and bushveld in deep sandy soil and sometimes on hillsides. It is regarded as an indicator of well-drained soils. It is sensitive to frost and is reputed to be fire tolerant, making it an important species for enrichment planting in areas where fire cannot be excluded completely. Adaptable to red loams and deep sandy soils, but not coastal sands or black clays. Prefers soils whose physical characteristic permit water to rapidly drain down the soil profile, at least through the top 30 cm.
SOURCE: ICRAF Agroforestree Database (02.07.02) E9041