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Oncosperma tigillarium

Authority(Jack.) Ridl.
Common names
Ecocrop code8076

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A medium-sized evergreen tree (palm) with usually clustered, straight or slightly curved stems reaching up to 25 m or more in height, with a diameter of 10-15 cm or up to 25 cm. The stems have black prickles, 2,5-6.5 cm long. Leaves are up to 3.5 m long, pinnate, drooping. USES The hard, elastic and durable outer zone of the stem is used for purposes like construction, piling, rafters and flooring, tools and weapons and furniture. The spines on the stem are used for blow-darts and as heads of javelins for spearing fish. The cabbage can be eaten, raw or cooked. Flowers are used to flavour rice, fruits to make preserves and as substitute for betel. The leaves are used for basketry, roofing and the contain fibres. The plant can also be grown as an ornamental. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Nibong, Gendiwong, Erang, Libung, Nibung, Sumasula, Anau, Kenab, Anibong, Anibung, Ta-aon, Chaon, Laao cha on, Nhum. FURTHER INF Scientific synonym: O. filamentosum, Areca tigillaria. Nibong occurs near the sea-shore in the major part of South-East Asia. It can be found behind the mangroves, on elevated spots in areas of fresh water swamps above the highest flood mark. It appears to be growing in the succession of vegetation where peat solis starts to be formed and accretion of land occurs. Production in well managed stands is estimated to be up to 60 stems/ha, which, with a diameter of 15-20 cm and an average length of 17 m per tree, amounts to a wood production of about 20m3/ha. (pH estimated by the compiler).
Westphal E 1989 pp 203-205 [USE, LIG, DRA, TEXT, SAL, DEP]
National RC 1980 pp 52-54 [DRA, TEXT, TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, DEP]