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Lotus corniculatus

Common namesbabies'-slippers, bird's-foot trefoil, birdsfoot trefoil, bloom-fell, cat-clover, cornilhao, crow toe, geelblom lusern, hoenderspoor klawer, serradela, sheep foot, shoes-and-stockings
Ecocrop code7410

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A spreading to erect, glabrous to pubescent, well-branched legume with yellow flowers, reaching a height of 10-90 cm. USES It is used for pasture, soil improvement and erosion control. GROWING PERIOD Perennial, flowering in May-September. Pods ripen 25-30 days after pollination. COMMON NAMES Birdsfoot trefoil, Broad-leaved trefoil, Common trefoil, Common birds foot, Birds foot deer-vetch, Lotier cornicule, Lotier de pres, Bou gueru, Bou kheris, Haialem, Medjeru, Quoon el ghazaal, Rigl-el-asfoor, Zeita, Zeiti, Qutaihah. FURTHER INF Scientific synonyms: L. ambiguus, L. caucasicua. Birdsfoot trefiol is indigenous to temperate Europe and Asia. In northern Africa and western Asia it occurs in humid places mostly in the mountains. It can be found at elevations between sea level and 2400 m. It require 16-18 hours of day-length for full flowering. On dry land, annual yields may be about 12-44 t/ha of green forage or 2-11 t/ha of hay.
Grassland Index
Roecklein J 1987 pp 71 [USE]
Dube P 1982 pp 7
Duke J 1975 pp 20 [PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Hartmann T 1981 pp 521 [DRA, FER, SAL, KTMP]
Heath M 1985 pp 98-108 [TEXT, DRA, FER, PH, SAL, KTMP]
Duke J 1981 pp 125-128 [DEP, TEXT, DRA, FER, SAL, RAIN, TEMP, PH]
Goodin J 1990 pp 38
Langer R 1991 pp 241 [DRA, PH]
Ahlgren G 1956 pp 106-113 [TEMP, DRA, PH, FER, TEXT]
Kernick M 1978 pp 573-595 [RAIN, KTMP, TEMP, TEXT, DRA, SAL]
Frame J 2005