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Humulus lupulus

Common nameshop, hopfen, houblon, luppolo
Ecocrop code6779

DESCRIPTION: A dioecious herbaceous vine reaching a height of up to 6 m. USES: The cones are dried and used in the brewing of beer. Remnants of the dried, boiled cones are used as fertilizer. An essential oil from cones and flowers is used in perfumery. Parts of the plant have various medicinal properties and young leaves and shoots can be eaten as vegetables. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial climber, above ground organs die back every year at the onset of the cold period. COMMON NAMES: Hops, Chmel, Houblom, Hopfen, Hmelj. FURTHER INF Hops is probably native of Central Asia. It is a very latitude sensitive plant and a major factor concerning its economic performance as a commercial crop is the length of daylight hours, especially during the flowering period. In order to flower successfully the hop plant must, at a certain stage of its growth (usually expressed as a minimum height) be subject to specific hours of daylight (and darkness, which must be continuous). A cultivated hop of high quality requires a mean value of solar irradiation of 1800-2000 hours per year including 1300-1500 hours during the vegetative period. The plant require adequate shelter.
SOURCES (Humulus lupulus L.)
Hackett C 1982 pp 81 [FER, PHO, DEP, PH, TEXT, TEMP]
Duke J 1975 pp 18 [PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Roecklein J 1975 pp 17 [USE, DRA, FER]
Rybacek V 1991 pp 104
Langer R 1991 pp 190-193 [DEP, DRA, FER]