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Hedysarum coronarium

Common namessulla
Ecocrop code6631

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A small, deep rooted herb up to 30-150 cm tall with red, somtimes white or pink, flowers and pods with a spiny surface. USES: Grown for forage and green manure. It can be fed to livestock fresh or dried as hay. It is also used as an ornamental. KILLING T: Plants withstand light frost, but are usually killed back by heavy freezing. One strain of of the plant withstands -11°C. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial or biennial, living up to 3 years. With irrigation, hay may be harvested three times a year. Flowers in April-July. COMMON NAMES: Spanish sainfoin, Sweet vetch, Zulla clover, French honeysuckle, Spansih espacat, Sulla, Zulla, Sulla sweetvetch, Italian sainfoin, Garland cook's head, Sainfoin d'Espagne, Saifoin a bouquets, Sainfoin des jardiniers, Silla, Sella, Solla, Fudela. FURTHER INF: Spanish sainfoin is native to the central, western Mediterraenan region. Rainfed crops may yield 15-40 t/ha of green forage and irrigated crops 100-125 t/ha.
Grassland Index
Sims D (pers. comm.)
Duke J 1981 pp 93-94 318 [FER, LIG, DEP, PH, DRA, KTMP, RAIN, TEMP, PH]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 181 [USE, TEXT, RAIN, KTMP, DEP,, DRA, PH]
Rehm S 1991 pp 420 [DRA, DEP, PH, USE]
Duke J 1975 pp 17 [PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Kernick M 1978 pp 599-618 [KTMP, RAIN, TEMP, FER, TEXT, DRA]
Steven R and Staberg P 2005
Frame J 2005