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Celosia argentea

SynonymsCelosia cristata L., Celosia linearis Sweet ex Hook.f.
Common namesCelosia
Ecocrop code660

BRIEF DESCRIPTION The white or green soko is an erect herb up to 150 cm tall. Leaves, light green, 2 x 6 cm. The red soko is up to 180 cm tall but els similar to white soko. USES The leaves and young shoots of both forms are used in soups and stews. GROWING PERIOD Short-lived annual. The green form can be harvested for leaves and green shoots 30-40 days from sowing, and for seeds after 80-90 days. The red form produces seeds 100-120 days from sowing. COMMON NAMES Cock's comb, Quail grass, Sokoyokoto, Green soko, White soko, Red soko, Crete de coq, Mirabel. FURTHER INF Low elevations in the tropics with stable high temperatures are suitable for the production of cock's comb. Both green and red forms are widely grown. The red form is sensitive to drought. Leaf yields from the green form may be 10-15 kg/10m˝. The red form yields about 25 kg/10m˝.
SOURCES (C. argentea L.)
Tindall H 1983 pp 42-45 [TEXT, FER, TEMP, RAIN, PHO]
Rice R 1990 pp 223-225 [TEXT, FER, TEMP, RAIN]