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Hagenia abyssinica

Common namesduchia (Galinya), edo (Galinya), fieto (Galinya), habbi, heto (Galinya, Kaffa), kosso
Ecocrop code6597

DESCRIPTION: It is a slender tree up to 20 m tall, with a short trunk and thick branches. Bark thick, brown or reddish-brown and readily peeling. No thorns or buttresses. Leaves compound, 40 cm long. USE: Wood is dark red, medium soft but not durable; it is used for furniture, poles, flooring, carving and cabinet making as well as firewood and charcoal. Roots, flowers and bark have medicinal properties. It can be used for soil-conservation, fire-breaks and as an ornamental. Leaves can be used as mulch and green manure and the tree is mentioned as a good agroforestry species. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: Cusso, Koso, Kosso, Kooso, Cossoutier, Cousso, Cosso, Kosso-meder, Kusso, Duccia, Dusha, Edo, Eta, Fieto, Hatou, Heto, Hetou, Habbi, Hepah, Tchema, Kabotz. FURTHER INF: Scientific synonyms: H. anthelmintica, Bankesia abyssinica, Brayera anthelmintica. It can be found at elevations from 1800-3600 m or even 4300 m. It is often dominant in the woodland zone just above the mountain bamboo. In Kenya, the species can be found on the slopes of Mt. Kenya.
SOURCES (H. abyssinica (Bruce) J.F. Gmelin)
Jansen P 1981 pp 194-205 [RAIN, USE]
White F 1983 pp 125 130 161 165 166 167
ICRAF Agroforestree Database