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Guazuma ulmifolia

Common names
Ecocrop code6562

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A small to medium-sized tree reaching from 2-30 m in height, with a trunk diameter about 30-60 cm. It has a spreading rounded crown, evergreen except in areas with a long dry season. USES The timber is used for posts, general capentry, interior construction, furniture, barrel staves, boxes, crates, tool handles, gunstocks and firewood and charcoal. Immature fruit and foliage are browsed by horses and cattle. If eaten to excess, however, friuts may cause intestinal obstruction in cattle. Fruits are also fed to hogs and it can be used as food fresh or cooked. It is a source of honey. Rope and twine can be made from the fibrous bark. It has medicinal properties. Trees are planted as ornamentals and for shade. Mentioned as a possible agroforestry species. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. Withstands droughts of 4-7 months. COMMON NAMES Guacima, Guacimo, guazuma, Huasimo, Caulote, Cablote, Guacimillo, Jacocalalu, Gajagua de toro, Bois d'orme, Bois de hetre, Mutamba, Nipaltuntha, West Indian elm, Bastard cedar, Bay cedar, Goea-azoema. FURTHER INF Scientific synonym: G. tomentosa. Guacima can be found at elevations between sea level and 1200 m. It is native of the Caribbean and tropical America, it may be could become a weed tree if introduced into new areas. It is common in openings, clearings, pastures, along stream banks, and in secondary forests of disturbed areas. The wood is not durable and is very susceptible to attack by dry-wood termites. (pH estimated by the compiler).
SOURCES (G. ulmifolia Lam.)
Little E 1983 pp 174-176 [LIG, USE, RAIN, TEXT]
National RC 1980 pp 48-49 [USE, LIG, TEMP, RAIN, TEXT, FER, LIMITS]
Hensleight T 1988 pp 379 [TEMP, RAIN, TEXT, USE]