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Duboisia myoporoides

AuthorityR. Ba.
Common namesngmoo
Ecocrop code5571

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A small tree reaching up to 14 m in height. The bark is corky and the wood light. The fruit is a small black globular berry. USES The leaves can be used for there intoxicating effect. An infusion of the leaves are toxic to rats, dogs, cats, and frogs and in larger quantities to humans. Also poisonous to grazing animals. It contains a wide range of alkaloids. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Corkwood. FURTHER INF Corkwood is native of the eastern coast of Australia, New Guinea and New Caledonia. It is commonly found in coast near areas on the edges of forests and near creeks. It has a suckering habit especially after fires and the potential of becomming a weed. (pH estimated by the compiler).
SOURCES (D. myoporoides )
Lovett J 1979 pp 281-284 [USE, LIMIT, KTMP, TEMP, RAIN, TEXT, DEP]