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Digitaria exilis

Authority(Kippist) Stapf
SynonymsPanicum exile (Kippist) A. Chev., Paspalum exile Kippist, Syntherisma exilis (Kippist) Newbold
Common namesacha, cereals-fonio, findo, fini, fonio, fonio du Sénégal, fundi millet, hungry koos, hungry millet, hungry rice, petit mil, white fonio
Ecocrop code5329

BRIEF DESCRIPTION An erect, free-tillering grass and cereal crop reaching a height of about 45 cm. USES The small grain contains about 80% carbohydrates and 10% protein. It is made into porridge, ground and mixed with other cereals, or used in the brewing of beer. The straw can be used as fodder. GROWING PERIOD Annual. Reach maturity in 90-130 days depending on culitvar. The crop is sown during June and July, and harvested in September and October. COMMON NAMES Hungry rice, Fonio, Fundi, Acha. FURTHER INF Hungry rice is considered native of West Africa, and is grown throughout the savanna areas from Senegal to Cameroun. Yields vary from 150-800 kg/ha, but over 1 t/ha have been recorded.
SOURCES (D. exilis (Kippist) Stapf)
Purseglove J 1972 pp 143-144 [RAIN, USE, FER, DEP, DRA]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 34 [USE]
Duke J 1979 pp 95 [RAIN, TEMP, PH]