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Cydonia oblonga

Common namescidonia, cognassier, coing, gamboa, gamboeiro, marmeleiro, marmelo, marmelo galego, membriller, membrillo, quince, quitte, quittebaum
Ecocrop code5117

DESCRIPTION: A small, bushy, irregular, deciduous thornless shrub or small tree reaching about 4-6 m in height and 3-4.5 m in width, with crowded gnarled branches and a low crooked habit. Young branchlets are covered with a pale greyish wool. Fruits are light golden-yellow, green or orange, usually pear shaped (but sometimes round and apple-shaped - sometimes classified as cv ŒMaliformis‚) and very fragrant. The fruit pulp is firm, aromatic and always contains gritty cells. Individual fruits can weight up to ∏ Kg or more, and ripen late in the autumn. Fruits contain seeds which are poisonous. USES: A gum is obtained from the seed coats and used as a laxative, and as an emulsifying and stabilizing agent in medical preparation and in cosmetics, and demulcent lotions. The fruit is used for preserves and jellies. KILLING T Quinces are generally hardy to -15 to -25°C, but have a low chilling requirement (much less than most apples) - 100 to 450 hours below 7°C in order to flower. GROWING PERIOD Slow-growing perennial. First harvest may be taken after 2 years and the tree has an economical life of 25 years. COMMON NAMES Quince, Coing, Membrillo, Quitte. FURTHER INF Quince is believed to be native of the region between Iran and northern India and Tibet. Humidity may be high during the winter when the tree is dormant, but should be medium to low during spring and summer.
SOURCES (C. oblonga Mill.)
Hackett C 1982 pp 141 [FER, PHO, DEP, PH, TEXT, TEMP]
Duke J 1975 pp 14 [PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 254 [USE]
Hartmann T 1981 pp 603-604 [TEXT, DRA]
Sims D (pers. comm.)
Hockings E 1961b pp 129-130 [TEMP, DEP, FER, TEXT]
Rehm S 1991 pp 205-206 [TEMP, RAIN]