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Basella alba

SynonymsBasella cordifolia
Common namesbasela branca, basela vermelha, bertalha branca, bertalha vermelha, Ceylon spinach, country spinach, Indian spinach, Malabar nightshade, Malabar spinach, Malabarspinat, melao de soldado, sabao de soldado, vine spinach, white stem Malabar spinach, white vine spinach
Ecocrop code504

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A coarse, trailing or twining vine with short-petioled, cordate, and succulent leaves. It has black berries. USES Boiled as a green vegetable. The berries are dried, the pulp ground and used as food coloring. GROWING PERIOD Short-lived perennial. Harvest period 55-180 days after transplanting. COMMON NAMES Basella, Indian spinach, Ceylon spinach, Cambian spinach, Vine spinach, Malabar nightshade, Malabar spinach, Baselle, Brede de malebar, Espinaca, Espinaca de celilan, Malabarspinat, Poi, Alugbati, Grana, Remayong, Gendola, Bretana, Libato, Acelca trepadora, Hung tang, Tsoi, Shaan tsoi, Genjerot, Jingga, Tsuru murasaki, Remayong, Niviti, Pasali, Pak prang. FURTHER INF Scientific synonyms: B. cordifolia. Basella are best grown on trellises, but can be trained as a bush. Growth is likely to be limited at altitudes greater than 500 m. Photosynthesis pathway C4. Flowering does not occur in daylengths longer than 13 hours. May yield about 50 t/ha.
SOURCES (B. alba L.)
Tindall H 1983 pp 67-70 [TEXT, FER, TEMP, RAIN, PHO, IIG]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 493 [USE]
Duke J 1975 pp 8 [PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Hackett C 1982 pp 16 [FER, PHO, DEP, PH, TEXT, TEMP]
Rice R 1990 pp 225-227 [TEXT, DRA, FER, TEMP, RAIN]
Martin F 1984 pp 146-148 [TEMP, RAIN, PHO, DRA, FER, USE]