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Coronilla varia

Common namescoronilha, crown vetch
Ecocrop code4884

DESCRIPTION: Deep tap-rooted, decumbent to ascending, herbaceous legume with angular hollow stems reaching up to 1ˆ1.5 m in height. Leaves imparipinnate with 11ˆ21 pairs of sessile leaflets, plus the terminal leaflet. Numerous inflorescences arising from leaf axils are umbels, variegated in colour from white and purple. USE: It is suited to rotational grazing and as hay or silage. It has good nitrogen fixation abilities. Good flowers for honey production. Used for erosion control and reclamation of land disturbed by mining and other activities. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: Crownvetch. FURTHER INF: Indigenous to central Europe. Introduced to other parts of Europe, Asia Minor, North America and South Africa. Seed germination is best at temperatures of 15ˆ25°C. Adapted to well drained, fertile soils, pH 6 and above and tolerant of moderately fertile, acid soils. It is drought resistant, winter hardy, moderately shade tolerant. Dry matter yields of 5-11 t/ha/year have been reported.
Grassland Index
Steven R and Staberg P 2005