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Cordeauxia edulis

Common namesehb, qud, quda, yeheb nut
Ecocrop code4854

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A many-stemmed, evergreen shrub reaching a height of 2.5-4 m. It has a deep taproot, paripinnate leaves with 1-6 pairs of leaflats, usually 4, with numerous red glands below. The flowers are yellow and the fruit a 4-6 cm long pod. USES The chestnut flavoured seeds may be eaten raw, roasted or boiled as a vegetable, seeds may also be boiled for a sweet liquor. A tea can be brewed from the leaves. The wood can be used as firewood. The plant contain a red dye; cordeauxiaquinone, unknown elsewhere in the plant kingdom and used in dyeing factories. The plant is browsed by sheep, goats and camels. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. Early above ground growth is slow until a massive root system has been established. The plant may begin to bear well after 3-4 years. COMMON NAMES Yicib, Ye-eb, Yeheb. FURTHER INF Yicib can be found in central Somalia and southeastern Ethiopia at elevations between 100-1000 m. It occurs on coarse, deep red sands with a water table at 6.5-25.5 m. (pH & KTMP estimated by the compiler).
Wickens G 1995 pp 71-73 [DRA, TEXT, DEP, TEMP, RAIN, LIMIT, USE]