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Chamaerops humilis

Common names
Ecocrop code4469

BRIEF DESCRIPTION An evergreen tree (palm) with fan shaped leaves, producing only one stem and reaching up to 3 m in height but often smaller. The root may reach as deep as 5 m. USES Fibre is extracted from the leaves and mainly used for upholstery and ropes. It can be used for erosion control on slopes. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Dwarf fan palm, European fan palm, Palmier nain, Crin vegetal, Doum, Tinerir, Vegetable horsetail, Algerian fibre, Indiafaser, Palmetto. FURTHER INF Dwarf fan palm is native of the Mediterraen region where it is found growing wild also in Italy, Spain, and France. It thrives best in soils with a clay horizont near the soil surface.
SOURCES (C. humilis L.)
White F 1983 pp 332 [RAIN, FER, DRA, DEP, TEXT, PH]
Kirby R 1963 pp 372-379 [TEMP, TEXT, RAIN, USE]
Rhem S 1991 pp 360 [USE]