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Cenchrus biflorus

SynonymsCenchrus catharticus
Common names
Ecocrop code4387

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A tufted grass growing up to 90 cm high with flat rigid leaf blades. USES It is used for pasture and hay. Grazing before seeding is preferable because of higher nutritive value. GROWING PERIOD Summer-growing annual grass. Vigorously growing during the wet season. COMMON NAMES Haskaneit, Abu sha'ar, Wezzeg, Cram-cram, Initi, Indian sandbur, 'ebbere kebbe, Karanguia, Danab el kalb, El gaw, Koreib, Baldole, Cram-cram. FURTHER INF Scientific synonym: C. barbatus, C. catharticus, C. niloticus, C. annularis, C. leptacanthus, C. perinvolucratus. Haskaneit is common in bush, often associated with the leguminous gum arabic tree and can become a weed on disturbed land. It can be found at elevations between sea level and 500 m. It will not withstand flooding.
Grassland Index
Skerman P 1990 pp 263-265 [LIG, LIMIT, TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, DRA, TEXT, USE]
IBPGR 1984 pp 127