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Cassia auriculata

Common names
Ecocrop code4281

BRIEF DESCRIPTION An evergreen shrub or small tree reaching 2-7.5 m in height with the trunk up to 20 cm in diameter. It has thin, brown bark, 10-14 cm long, pinnate leaves with 6-13 pairs of leaflets, yellow flowers and 5-18 cm long pods containing 10-20 seeds. USES It can be used as ground cover and revegetation of barred, erodible land and as green manure. The bark contains tanning used for heavy hides and sheep and goat skins. The bark fibre can be made into rope, and a fermented mixture of pounded bark and dissolved molasses can be made into an alcoholic beverage. Dry leaves are used to make tea. In times of scarcity the pods, leaves and flowers can be used as a vegetable. It can be used as fed for cattle and goats and for feeding silkworm, but poisonous substances have been reported. The roots, bark, flowers, seed and pods have medicinal properties. The tree can also be planted as an ornamental. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. Harvesting may begins after 2-3 years. COMMON NAMES Avaram, Matara tea, Tanner's cassia, Tarwar, Tarwad, Tarodo, Tangedu, Peikthingat, Gelam tangedu, Peikth-ingat. FURTHER INF Scientific synonym: C. densistipulata. Avaran is native of India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. In East Africa, it can be found at altitudes from 150 to 600 m. The yield of sun-dried bark may average 1500 kg/ha in a plantation with about 9000 plants/ha.
SOURCES (C. auriculata L.)
Duke J 1981 pp 45-47 [TEXT, DRA, LIG, FER, RAIN, TEMP, PH]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 47 [USE]
Purseglove J 1974 pp 204 [USE]
Troup R 1921 pp 372-375 [TEXT, FER, USE, TEMP, RAIN, KTMP, LIG, DRA]
Lemmens R 1991 pp 62-63 [USE, RAIN, TEMP, TEXT, FER, DRA, LIG]