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Callitris endlicheri

Common namesblack cyprus pine, cyprus pine
Ecocrop code4054

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A small shrub on adverse sites or a single or multi-stemmed tree reaching 6-12 m or even up to 20 m in height on favourable sites. USES The wood can be used as fuel and charcoal, and the timber for fenching, small poles, indoor furnishing, panelling, and general construction. The bark yields a tanning. The tree can be used for windbreaks and as an ornamental. GROWING PERIOD Slow-growing perennial. COMMON NAMES
Black cypress pine, Black cypress, Black pine, Red cypress pine, Red pine, Mountain pine, Black callitris. FURTHER INF Scientific synonym: C. calcarata. Black cypress pine occurs in southeasten Australia within the latitudinal range 24-38°S at elevations between 100-1050 m. It can be found on rugged mountain ranges, dissected plateaux, tablelands, sandstone ridges, and undulating to hilly country. It is moderately drought-resistant. (pH estimated by the compiler).
SOURCES (C. endlicheri (Parl.) Bailey)
Turnbull J 1986 pp 236-237 [TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, TEXT, DEP, DRA, FER, USE]