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Avicennia germinans

Authority(L.) L.
Common namesmangrove
Ecocrop code3575

BRIEF DESCRIPTION An evergreen shrub or small tree to 3-12 m, rarely 25 m, with a often crooked trunk 30-60 cm in diameter, a rounded crown, and masses of small air roots. USES Wood used for posts, poles, railway crossties, piers, wharves, other marine constructions, and firewood and charcoal. The bark contain tannin and gum. The flowers are a source of quality honey. Sprouting seeds reportedly edible when cooked but poisonous raw. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Black mangrove, Mangrove, Blackwood-bush, Limewood, Mangle, Mangle negro, Mangle prieto, Mangle blanco, Mangle salado, Manglecito, Madre de sal, Palo de sal, Sietecapas, Mangle iguanero, Jeli salado, Paletuvier blanc, Mangle blanc, Manglie noir, Mangle blancu, Saltpond-tree, Parwa, Courida, Siriuba, Seriba. FURTHER INF Scientific synonym: A. nitida. Black mangrove is common in mangrove swamp forests in the Carribean and on the west coast of Central Amarica mainly on the landward side, in blackish water in mud flats of tidal zones of protected silty shores, and at the mouth of rivers.
SOURCES (A. germinans (L.) L.)
Little E 1983 pp 298-302 [USE, RAIN, KTMP, SAL, TEXT]
National RC 1980 pp 52-54 [DRA, SAL, TEXT, TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, DEP]