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Albizia adianthifolia

Common names
Ecocrop code2957

DESCRIPTION: It is a leguminous tree reaching 4-30 m in height, crown flattened. Young branchlets rusty-pubescent; flowers white or greenish white. Pod oblong, flat, 9-19 cm long x 1.9-3.2 cm wide, pubescent. USE: Cattle graze the coppice regrowth after the trees are fallen for cultivation. The leaves contain 20.13 percent crude protein, 0.20 percent Ca, 0.35 percent P, 0.20 percent Mg and 1.66 percent K. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: Flatcrown. FURTHER INF: Widespread in tropical Africa from the Gambia and Kenya to Angola and South Africa. Found in lowland rain forest, seasonally flooded areas, deciduous woodland, wooded grassland and upland at altitudes of 0 to 1680 m.
Grassland Index
Steven R and Staberg P 2005