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Acacia oraria

AuthorityF. Muell.
Common names
Ecocrop code2674

BRIEF DESCRIPTION On unfavourable sites it is a freely-branched shrub 3-5 m tall, while on better sites, it may develop into a 6-15 m high tree with a well-defined main stem. USES The wood can be used for house construction, small joinery items and fuel and the tree for coastal plantings for shade and shelter and as an ornamental. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Suli. FURTHER INF Suli can in northeastern Australia be found within the latitudinal range 14-22°S at elevations between sea level and 700 m. It also occurs on the Indonesian islands of Timor and Flores to 8°S. It is common on the edge of sandy beaches and on sand dunes. In drier areas it is often found in seasonally dry watercourses. Its capacity to invade grassland suggests that it may have the potential of becomming a weed under certain circumstances.
SOURCES (A. oraria F. Muell.)
Turnbull J 1986 pp 176-177 [TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, TEXT, DEP, SAL, PH, FER, USE, LIMIT]