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Acacia mangium

SynonymsRacosperma mangium (Willd.) L. Pedley
Common namesforest mangrove, mange, mangium, mangium wattle, tuhkehn pwelmwahu
Ecocrop code2658

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A fast growing pioneer tree reaching a height of 15-30 m and a trunk diameter of up to 90 cm. The bole may be clear for more than 1/2 of the tree height. On adverse sites, it may be reduced to a 7-10 m high shrub. USES The timber can be sawn easily and is easy to work, it is durable when exposed to the weather but not to the ground. It is suitable for furniture and cabinet-making and it is a good fuel. Leaves can be used as fodder and the tree makes a good shade, screening and soil-cover crop. KILLING T It will survive light frost. GROWING PERIOD Fast-growing perennial tree, can reach up to 23 m in only 9 years. The time between flowering and seed maturity is 180-210 days. COMMON NAMES Mangium, Brown salwood, Black wattle, Hickory wattle, Sabah salwood, Maber. FURTHER INF Scientific synonyms: A. glaucescens, Mangium montanum. Mangium is indigenous to northeastern Australia, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Indonesia. It can be found naturally within the latitudinal range of 1-18°S and can be found at elevations between sea level and 800 m, but is most common below 400 m. It occur naturally at the edges of mangrove stands, in the transition area between forests and rivers and grassland, and in areas recently disturbed, especially by fire. It is mentioned as a possible agroforestry species. It fixes nitrogen and it can regenerate rapidly. There is a possibility that the tree could become a weed, especially if poor provenances are introduced and the tree has become a weed in Sabah. The tree may suffer from heart rot in to humid areas. Young trees are killed by fire, while older trees are more resistant but may be killed by very hot fires. Yearly volume production may be 20-30 m3/ha.
SOURCES (A. mangium Willd.)
Webb D 1984 pp 90 [RAIN, TEMP, TEXT, PH, DRA, SAL, FER, LIG, USE]
National RC 1983
National RC 1979 pp 194
NFT Highlight 1987
CSIRO No. 9, 1980
Hensleigh T 1988 pp 6-9 [LIG, TEXT, DRA, PH, TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, LIG, USE]
Zabala N 1990 pp 101-105 [TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, TEXT, DRA, FER, PH, LIG, USE]
Chaplin G 1993 pp 27-38 [RAIN, DRA, USE]
Turnbull J 1986 pp 160-163 [TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, TEXT, PH, FER, USE]