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Acacia difficilis

Common namesRiver wattle
Ecocrop code2609

BRIEF DESCRIPTION Large shrub or small tree reaching a height of 5-10 m. The tree may have a straight trunk up to 1/2 the tree height. USES It can provide low shelter, erosion control, and firewood. It is a source of pollen for bees. GROWING PERIOD Fast-growing perennial. COMMON NAMES Acacia difficilis. FURTHER INF Acacia difficilis occurs in northern Northern Territory, Australia within the latitudinal range 11-18°S at elevations between sea level and 200 m. It is usually found in gently undulating country on riverain flood plains or adjecent to watercourses.
SOURCES (A. difficilis Maiden)
Turnbull J 1986 pp 130-131 [TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, TEXT, PH, FER, USE]
House A 1991 pp 10-11 [TEMP, RAIN, DRA, KTMP, TEXT, DEP, SAL, USE]