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Bruguiera gymnorrhiza

Authority(L.) Lam.
SynonymsBruguiera capensis, Bruguiera conjugata (L.)Merr., Bruguiera cylindrica, Bruguiera gymnorhiza (with one `r'), Bruguiera rheedii, Bruguiera rumphii, Bruguiera wightii, Bruguiera zippelii, Mangium celsum, Mangium minus, Rhizophora gymnorhiza Linn., Rhizophora palun, Rhizophora rheedii, Rhizophora tinctoria
Common namesdau, kandeka, lindur, mangrove, mapeki, orange mangrove, pertut, putut, sala-sala, taheup, tanjang, tenggel, tomo, tongke, tumu
Ecocrop code2499

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A small to medium-sized evergreen tree 8-25 m high, in India usually 10-13 m, but it can reach 35 m in height, with a straight trunk 40-90 cm in diameter, buttressed at the base, and many upright knee-roots. USES Timber used for house posts and beams, heavy construction, piling, furniture and it also makes a good firewood and charcoal. The bark is rich in tannin (35% in air-dry bark) and the tree also yields a black dye. The bark also has medicinal properties. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Myanmar mangrove, Many-pelat mangrove, Mangrove, Black mangrove, Nobble-rooted mangrove, Mchonga, Msinzi, Muwi, Kankra, Kandal, Pathkadol, Saung, Siap, Tumu merah, Bakau besar, Bakauan, Betut, Berus kurong, Tumu, Kandeka, Tonka, Tanjang, Putut, Tumu, Busaing, O-hirugi, Paletuvier, C-hirugi, Akabana-hirugi, Mangoro, Pototan, Prasak'nhii, Prasak'tooch, Pasak, Pang ka hua sum. Vet dzu, Vet den, Du'oc'hong. FURTHER INF Scientific synonyms: B. rheedii, B. cylindrica, B. conjugata. Myanmar mangrove is one of the largest and longest-lived trees in the mangrove forests. It is common in mangrove swamp forests, mostly on the drier, landward side, in mud flats, and tidal parts of rivers. In South Africa the tree has been planted to stabilize dunes and in fresh water swamps. It is shade tolerant as young. Photosynthesis pathway C3.
SOURCES (B. gymnorhiza (L.) Savigny in Lam.)
Little E 1983 pp 309-312 [USE, RAIN, SAL, DRA, TEXT]
Tomlinson P 1986 pp 347
Troup R 1921 pp 503 [USE]
Aronson J 1989 pp 71
National RC 1980 pp 52-54 [USE, DRA, SAL, TEXT, TEMP, KTMP, RAIN]
Lemmens R 1991 pp 53-55 [USE, DRA, LIG, SAL]