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Parinari nonda

AuthorityFvM ex Bth
SynonymsParinari papuanum CT White, Parinari salomonense CT White
Common namesEngam, Nonda plums
Ecocrop code2380

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A small to medium-sized tree, usually 6-15 m but may reach 34 m in height. On adverse sites it can be reduced to a 1-2 m tall shrub. USES The timber has good wearing properties and can be used for building construction material, agricultural implements, joinery, sleepers, poles, and turnery. The wood is a good fuel. The fruit is edible. The tree has also been tried out in mined-land rehabilitation trials. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Nonda-tree, Nonda, Nonda plum, Solomon Island parinari. FURTHER INF Nonda-tree occurs in tree separate areas in northern Australia and in New Guinea within the latitudinal range 6-19°S at elevations between sea level and 1300 m. It can be found on undulating to hilly plateaux of either sandstone or basalt and on alluvial plains. The wood dust may cause dermatitis, probably because of irritation be silica deposits.
SOURCES (Parinari nonda F. Muell. ex Benth.)
Turnbull J 1986 pp 294-295 [TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, TEXT, PH, DRA, DEP, FER, USE]