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Vitis vinifera

Common namesangunx, artgun, auggut, buah anggur, enab, grape, grappe, nho, raisin, sa-pyit, tra pèang baay chum, Traube, ubas, uva, videira, vindrue, vinha, vite, Vitis viniferae folium, Weintraube
Ecocrop code2160

DESCRIPTION: A vigorous, climbing woody, deciduous vine up to 15-20 m long, but in cultivation drastically pruned. Fruit a berry, ellipsoid to globose, 6-25 mm long, dark blue-purple, red, green or yellow, juicy, sweet or sour. USES: Fruits are eaten raw or dried, pressed for juice, fermented as wine, or made into jams and jellies. Residue from pressed grapes is fed to livestock or used to make tannin and cream of tartar. Grape seeds yield a drying oil used for lighting, paints and cooking. Young leaves are eaten as a vegetable. KILLING T.: Dormant vines may withstand -12°C to -20°C, new shoots and leaves are damaged at 0°C to -5°C. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial, may be harvested after 160-180 days for early cultivars, and 190-270 days for late cultivars. COMMON NAMES: European wine grape, Raisin, Uva, Weintraube, Vindrue, Grapevine, Table grabe, Vigne, Weinrebe, Vite, Videira, Vina, Traube, Grappe, Buah anggur, Anggur, Ubas, Sa-pyit, Trapeang, Baay chuu, 'Angunx, Angun, Nho. FURTHER INF.: The European wine grape is belived to have originated in the area between the Black and the Caspian seas, where it still grows wild. It is predominantly grown between 20-50°N and from 20-40°S but it can also be grown in the tropics at altitudes between 300 and 2000 m. Photosynthesis pathway C3. A sheltered, warm situation, and a long warm, or hot and dry summer is best, and the plants grow most satisfactorily when the winter is sufficiently severe to ensure a period of complete dormancy each year. High humidity and rainfall during the growing period favours diseases and tends to produce low quality grapes, 60-80% relative humidity is optimum. Light requirements are high, but only the leaves should be exposed and at the same time shield the fruits against the sun. Reported yields are between 10-90 t/ha.
Sims D (pers. comm.)
Rhem S 1991 pp 172-175 [LIG, RAIN, TEXT, FER, PH, SAL]
Doorenbos J 1979 pp 92
Samson J 1986 pp 287-288 [DEP, TEXT, DRA, PH, SAL]
Dube P 1982 pp 21
Maas E 1990 pp 280
Landon J 1984 pp 280 284 289 [TEXT, DEP, PH, FER, SAL, TEMP]
Eswaran H 1986
Hackett C 1982 pp 77 [FER, PHO, DEP, PH, TEXT, TEMP]
Edwards S up pp 203
Hartmann T 1981 pp 595-598 [KTMP, TEMP, RAIN]
Putz F 1991 pp 163
Hockings E 1961b pp 156-174 [RAIN, KTMP, TEXT, DRA, DEP]
Verheij E 1991 pp 304-309 [USE, KTMP, TEMP, LIG, LIMIT, TEXT, FER, DEP, DRA, PH]