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Trifolium semipilosum

Common namesKenya clover, Kenya white clover, trefle africain, trefle du Kenya, trevo do Quenia
Ecocrop code2107

DESCRIPTION: Herbaceous legume with taproot, initially prostrate but stems can ascend through taller grass to about 45 cm. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets 0.4-2.4 cm long and 0.4-2 cm wide. Inflorescence more or less globose, about 2 cm across, comprising (4-) 20-( 40) white flowers. Pods, 5-6 mm long. USE: Used as an alternative to Trifolium repens in permanent pastures on more acid soils and in warmer environments. Provides good ground cover under more open tree canopies. KILLING T: It can resist moderate frosting but top growth is killed by heavy frosts. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial growing spring to autumn. COMMON NAMES: Kenya white clover. FURTHER INF: It is native of the highlands of East and Central Africa at latitudes between 13°N-15°S at elevations from 1000 to more than 3000 m. In subtropical Australia at 25-31ºS it is grown at elevations between sea level and 700 m. It is well adapted to high relative air humidity and to annual rainfall between 450-2000 mm. It can survive lengthy dry periods but is not very tolerant of waterlogging. Found in areas with average annual temperatures from about 16-21ºC. Occurs on soil textures from sand through silt, loam and gravely clay loam to clay, with pH ranging from 4.0-8.0. Dry matter yields may be up to 8.5 t/ha.
Grassland Index
Skerman P 1988 pp 456-461 [RAIN, KTMP, DRA, PH, FER]
Bryant P 1973 pp 366 [RAIN, TEMP, DRA, KTMP]
Bogdan A 1977 415-417 [FER, TEMP, PHO, RAIN]
Pratt D 1977 pp 253
Mannetje L 1992 pp 226-228 [RAIN, TEMP, FER, PHO, FER, PH, DRA]
Langer R 1991 pp 235 [RAIN, TEMP]
Tropical forages 2005