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Sorghum X almum

Common namesalmum sorghum, Columbus grass
Ecocrop code1990

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A robust grass reaching up to 4.5 m in height usually with a short rhizomes reaching as deep as 50 cm. USES It withstands heavy grazing but not heavy trampling. It can be cut for hay. KILLING T May withstand -15°C. GROWING PERIOD Short-lived perennial grass growing from spring to autumn, 80-120 days to first harvest. Cutting at 5 cm every six to 12 weeks gives higher yields than cutting at 15 cm. Cutting every three weeks reduce yields. COMMON NAMES Columbus grass, Pasto colon, Sorgo negro, Batag, Gau, Ya-sokum. FURTHER INF Columbus grass probably originated in Argentina. The latitudinal range of the grass is 25°N to 30°S. It can be found at elevations between sea level and 700 m. In humid areas it becomes more susceptible to leaf diseases and it can also become a weed. Dry matter yields are usually between 4-12 t/ha, but can reach 19 t/ha.
SOURCES (Sorghum x almum Parodi)
Bogdan A 1977 pp 264-269 [TEMP, RAIN, KTMP, LIMIT, TEXT, SAL]
Bryant P 1973 pp 337-338 [RAIN, FER, DRA, SAL, USE]
Mannetje L 1992 pp 203-205 [TEXT, RAIN, DRA, SAL, KTMP]
Skerman P 1990 pp 670-676 [TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, DRA, FER, TEXT, PH, PHO, LIG]