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Solanum quitoense

SynonymsSolanum angulatum Lam., Solanum hirsutissimum
Common nameslaranjitas de Quito, little orange, lulo, lulo frucht, lulu puscolulu, lulum (Inca), lulun, morelle de Quito, naranjilla, naranjilla de Quito, naranjita de Quito, nuqui, orange de Quito, Quito orange, quitoense, toronja
Ecocrop code1968

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A slightly woody herb or semi-shrub reaching a height of 1-3 m, with large velvety purple tinged leaves, fruits larger than an egg, in clusters, covered with a wiry pubescence that rubs off, orange exterior but green flesh, and highly aromatic. USES The fruit is made into preserves, pies, and the juice is mixed with water or milk to make a drink rich in proteins and mineral salts. GROWING PERIOD Short-lived perennial. Bear after 180-365 days, fruits are harvested by hand when mature. Economical life often only 2-4 years, due to root-knot nematodes. COMMON NAMES Naranjilla, Naranrilla, Lulu, Lulo, Morelle de Quito, Orange de Quito, Ecuador's naranjilla, Quito orange, Cocona, Lullo, Lullo de Castilla, Naranjilla de Quito, Tomate chilena, Torinja, Puscolulu, Naranjita, Toronja, Lulo-frucht, Terong kuning. FURTHER INF Scientific synonyms: S. hirsutissimum, S. angulatum. Naranjilla is native of midelelevations in the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. It is widely cultivated in humid upland areas of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru at elevations between 1000-2500 m. In New Zealand and California it is grown at sea level. It is very sensitive to nematodes. Yields of fruit are about 1-3 t/ha with fruits averaging 40-70 g each.
SOURCES (S. quitoense Lamarck)
Tindall H 1983 pp 371-372 [TEMP, TEXT, DRA, RAIN, LIG]
Duke J 1975 pp 27 [PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 229 [USE, DRA, RAIN]
Vietmeyer N 1989 pp 267-275 [LIMIT, USE, KTMP, PHO, RAIN, TEMP, FER, DRA, SAL]
National AS 1975 pp 69
Purseglove J 1974 pp 556 [USE]
Rice R 1990 pp 134-135 [RAIN, DRA, USE]
Martin F 1984 pp 206-208 [TEMP, RAIN, PHO, DRA, FER, USE]
Verheij E 1991 pp 359-360 [USE, FER, DRA, RAIN, TEMP]