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Sesbania grandiflora

Authority(L.) Poir.
Common namesscarlet wisteria tree
Ecocrop code1938

DESCRIPTION A small deciduous or evergreen tree reaching up to 10-15 m in height, with a straight trunk to 25-30 cm in diameter. The form is usually good and the trunk cylindrical. The crown is thin and spreading with large white or red flowers. USE It provides forage, firewood, pulp and paper, food, and green manure. It combines well with agroforestry. It is used as an ornamental, and planted as living fences, and for reforestation of eroded hill regions. A gum exuding from cuts in the bark serves as gum arabic substitute. The bark yield tannin and fiber. Young leaves, tender pods, and large fleshy flowers are used as raw or cooked vegetables. Extracts of leaves, flowers, and bark have medicinal properties. KILLING T It is killed by frost and cannot tolerate cool temperatures over an extended period. GROWING PERIOD Fast-growing perennial, live up to 20 years. The tree has a very rapid early growth, reaching heights of up to 2 m in 100 days, 4-5 m in one year and about 8 m in 3 years. It is able to produce ripe pods 270 days after planting. It withstands 6-7 months of dry season. COMMON NAMES Agati, Agati sesbania, W
Grassland Index
Little E 1983 pp 257-259 [USE, RAIN, KTMP, TEXT, FER]
Webb D 1984 pp 243 [RAIN, TEMP, TEXT, PH, DRA, LIG, KTMP, USE]
Skerman P 1988 pp 586 [RAIN]
Evans D 1987
Evans D 1990 pp 33-34 [SAL, KTMP, PH, DRA, USE]
Sims D (pers. comm.)
Mannetje L 1992 pp 196-198 [RAIN, TEXT, FER, DRA, SAL]
National RC 1980 pp 62-63 [USE, TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, TEXT, FER]
National RC 1983c pp 71 [RAIN, DRA]
National RC 1979 pp 185
Hensleigh T 1988 pp 294-297 [TEXT, DRA, KTMP, TEMP, RAIN, LIMITS, USE]
Martin F 1984 pp 184-185 [TEMP, RAIN, PHO, DRA, USE]
Tropical forages 2005