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Zornia latifolia

Common names
Ecocrop code18480

DESCRIPTION: It is a prostrate, much branched, herbaceous legume, with a tap-root and stems between 20-50 cm long. Leaves bifoliolate, leaflets 1-4 cm long. The inflorescence is a terminal peduncled spike with 1-35 yellow flowers. Pods 2-3 mm long and wide. USE: Used as wild pasture.GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: Tencilla. FURTHER INF: It is native of Central and Northern South America north of latitude 35°S and usually found in open fields and grassy areas. Grows well in areas with 1000-2000 mm rainfall/year; drought resistant, survives dry season of 4-6 months. Well adapted to the free-draining, acid and low-fertility, Al-toxic oxisols of the South American savannas. Little or no shade tolerance. DM yields of 2.4-2.8 t/ha in 12 weeks have been recorded. 0.6-4.9 t/ha when grown in association with Brachiaria decumbens and/or Andropogon gayanus.
Grassland Index
Tropical forages 2005