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Rhizophora mangle

Common namesAmerican mangrove, mangrove, red mangrove, tiriwai
Ecocrop code1848

BRIEF DESCRIPTION A shrub or a small to medium-sized tree reaching 5-20 m, somtimes 30 m in height, with an upright trunk to 20-70 cm in diameter. The trr has branched, curved, and arching stilt roots 2-4.5 m high in salt water. USES Wood used for posts, poles, marine piling, wharves, shipbuilding, construction, carpentry, firewood, and charcoal. Bark and leaves rich in tannin. Bark has medicinal properties. Extract from roots used to preserve fishermen's lines and nets. GROWING PERIOD Perennial. COMMON NAMES Red mangrove, Mangrove, African mangrove, Mangle, Mangle colorado, Mangle rojo, Mangle salado, Mangle gateador, Candelon, Paletuvier rouge, Manglier rouge, Mangro, Mangue sapateiro, Mangue vermelho, Dengii. FURTHER INF Red mangrove is common along the shores of tropical America and it also occurs along some West African and Pacific shores. It is common in mangrove swamp forests over large flat areas of silty or muddy shores in salt and brackish water. Trees often form pure stands on the seaward side and form part of mixed stands on the landward side. It usually extends father seaward than other mangroves.
SOURCES (R. mangle L.)
Little E 1983 pp 324-328 [USE, KTMP, RAIN, SAL, TEXT]
National RC 1980 pp 52-54 [DRA, SAL, TEXT, TEMP, KTMP, RAIN, DEP]