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Prosopis alba

Common names
Ecocrop code1793

DESCRIPTION: It is a nearly evergreen tree reaching 5-15 m in height with a round crown. The trunk can grow as large as 1 m in diameter, bole short with many branches. Leaves blue-green, alternate, bipinnately compound, hairless, 6-14 cm long. USE: The pod can be eaten as a fresh fruit or conserved in its own sweet fresh juice. If the dry pod is ground, it gives a flour that can be mixed with a little water and eaten immediately. The pods are eaten by livestock and the flowers are a source of honey. The wood is used as fuel and the gum has physical and chemical properties similar to gum arabic. Foliage extracts have shown antibacterial activity and the bark, branches, gum and foliage are used against gastritis and as an antiseptic, antidysenteric and emollient. It can be used for erosion control and as an ornamental. It can fix atmospheric nitrogen. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: White algarrobo. FURTHER INF: It is found in arid and semi-arid regions with groundwater, such as drainage channels and along groundwater sinks. It is a common ruderal weed, coming up singly and in groups along roadsides, around habitations, on refuse dumps and in other disturbed habitats.
SOURCE: ICRAF Agroforestree Database (01.07.02) E1793