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Portulaca oleracea

SynonymsPortulaca oleracea L. ssp. sylvestris (DC.) Thell., Portulaca oleracea L. var. opposita Poelln.
Common namespigweed, purslane
Ecocrop code1784

BRIEF DESCRIPTION An erect or ascending, mostly succulent, copiously branched, herbaceous plant reaching up to 50 cm in height. The leaves measure 0.5-4 cm x 0.2-2 cm, are obovate, entire and very fleshy. The flowers are bright yellow and solitary or in axillary groups of two or three. USES Are belived to be among the earliest vegetables of mankind. The leaves and young shoots are a good source of vitamins B and C, they can be eaten raw and are often used in salads. They can also be cooked an consumed as a spinach dish. It is a good feed for pigs, chickens, and birds like canaries. Large forms are sometimes planted as ornamentals. It is a much used medicinal plant with many different applications. GROWING PERIOD Annual. In the tropics, the life cycle is completed in 2-4 months. First cut is 3-4 weeks after sowing, and subsequent at intervals of 2 weeks. COMMON NAMES Purslane, Pursley, Wild pursley, Pigweed, Pourpier, Portulache, Verdolaga, Verdalaga, Buglosa, Hierba grasa, Colchon de nino, Flor de las once, Flor de un dia, Lega, Beldroega, Bredo-femea, Baldroaga, Ketozki, Ketorki, Getozca, Gelang, Porcelana, Peplide, Krokot, Re-sereyan, Gelang pasir, Segan jantan, Rumput beremi, Golasiman, Ngaluk, Alusiman, Manog dab phkaa, Taa kongz, Biaz, Phakbia-yai, Phakbia-dokluang, Rau sam, Adwere, Missidi kumbare, Eferemakara, Afiaa, Devio-fe'ama, Baba jibji, Halsen saniya, Toa p'lo, Mazahi, Tooge, Tanguipeta, Igwanitsha, Papasam, Amalenyane. FURTHER INF Scientific synonym: P. quadrifida. Purslane originates from the region extending from the western Himalayas to southern Russia and Greece. It is a cosmopolitan weed, wild and cultivated, whose origin is uncertain. The plant is easily dispersed by running water and seeds are easily spread by the wind, water, with crop seeds or through bird droppings and is often considered a troublesome weed. In Java it occurs at elevations up to 1800 m. It has a C4 photosynthesis pathway. Top yields in Europe are about 50 t/ha crop or 2-2.5 kg/m˝ per cutting round. In the tropics yields of 12-17 t/ha have been reported. (pH and rainfall estimated by the compiler).
Grassland Index
Siemonsma J 1993 pp 227-229 [LIMIT, USE, TEMP, LIG, PHO, TEXT, FER, DEP]
Duke J 1979 pp 25 [TEMP, RAIN, PH]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 370 [USE]
Bermejo J 1994 pp 310-314 [USE, LIMIT, TEXT, FER]
Iwu M 1993 pp 222-223 [USE, LIMIT]