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Salix alba

Common namesborrazeira branca, Huntington willow, salgueiro branco, Salicis cortex, Salicis folium, saule blanc, sinceiro, swallow-tailed willow, Weide, white willow
Ecocrop code16538

DESCRIPTION: It is small deciduous tree reaching up to 16 m in height, with long thin leaves. USE: It is grown as an ornamental park tree. Shoots used for rough baskets and hurdles. Burns rapidly. Pollarded every 4-5 years to produce crop of straight poles. Shoots and leaves browsed by animals particularly horses and need protection when small. Useful for rapidly growing windbreaks and screens. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: White Willow. Irish Sailach. FURTHER INF: Its habitat is by streams in association with Alder and downy birch but not waterlogged soils. It can be found in Europe, throughout North Africa and parts of Asia.