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Passiflora edulis

Common namesbenchawan, buah negeri, buah susu, ceibey, chùm bap, couzou, curuba redonda, fruit de la passion, granadilla, granadilla china, grenadille, gulupa, linmangkon, maracujá, maracujá comúm, maracujá de comer, maracujá de doce, maracujá de ponche, maracujá pequeno, maracujá peroba, maracujá redondo, maracuja' de garapa, maracuja' mirim, maracuja' roxo, maracuyá púrpura, maraflora, markisa, not, parcha, parcha de monte, parcha morada, parchita, parchita maracuyá, pasionaria, passie, passionfruit, passionfrukt, Passionsfrucht, pomme-liane violette, purple passion fruit, sweet cup, yellow passion fruit
Ecocrop code1633

DESCRIPTION: It a shallow-rooted, semi-woody, vigorous perennial, climbing by means of tendrils and up to 15 m long. USES Cultivated for its sweet fruit. Ripe passion fruits are eaten, pulp and seeds, from the shell. The pulp is used for making jams and jellies and is processed into juice, nectars, and flavoring. The fruit is a good source of vitamin A. KILLING T: Young plants will not tolerate frost, while mature plants may survive -2°C. GROWING PERIOD Perennial, growing 330 days before first harvest and with an economical life of 3-6 years. The plant require 60-80 days from pollination to maturity and normally produces two crops a year. COMMON NAMES: Passionfruit, Yellow passion fruit, Purple passion fruit, Sweet cup, Granadilla. FURTHER INF Purple passion fruit is native of southern Brazil. It can be grown between sea level and 900 m in the subtropics and from 900-2000 m or even higher in the tropics. It thrives in humid conditions but require dry weather during pollination and cold winds can be harmful. Average annual yield of fruit may be about 8-15 t/ha, but yields up to 50 t/ha have been reported from Kenya. Mentioned as a useful agroforestry species.
EcoPort, Entity 1633, FAO, 2004