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Ischaemum timorense

Common namesWaidoi grass
Ecocrop code1285

DESCRIPTION: Variable grass, spreading, erect, with ascending, scrambling, or stoloniferous growth habit, and fertile culms 15ˆ60 (ˆ100) cm tall. Stems rooting at the nodes. Leaf-blade lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 2ˆ10 (ˆ16) cm long and 3ˆ15 mm wide. USE: Permanent pasture , frequently naturalised on heavily grazed communal land where it provides good ground cover against erosion and good quality edible feed. Useful as a shade tolerant cover under trees. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial or annual. The flowering season in Indonesia is April-November. COMMON NAMES: Centipede grass, Lucuntu grass. FURTHER INF: Synonym: I. macrurum. Native to tropical South-East Asia and naturalised in Central and South America. Occurs up to 2000 m at 7ºS in Indonesia, and 1300 m at 9.5ºN in Costa Rica. Found on grassy roadsides, banks of terraces, along ditches and forest margins, and as a weed in upland rice fields. Occurs under average annual rainfall of 800ˆ2000 mm, often with a pronounced dry season. Tends to dry off quickly under dry conditions and may behave more as an annual at the lower end of the rainfall range. Has some drought tolerance but is intolerant of waterlogging. Grows on well-drained, light to medium textured soils (not heavy clays). Adapted to low fertility and pH (4ˆ) 4.5ˆ5.5 (ˆ7). Intolerant of poor drainage. It can become a weed in annual and perennial crops. Particularly in Indonesia it is a common weed in rainfed rice. Yields of fresh green material may be up to 30 t/ha.
Grassland Index
Mannetje L 1992 pp 148-149 [LIMIT, RAIN, DRA, TEXT, LIG, PH, FER]
Bogdan A 1977 pp 161 [DRA, USE]
Tropical forages 2005