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Prosopis glandulosa

Common names
Ecocrop code11752

DESCRIPTION: It is a deciduous shrub or tree reaching 3-9 m in height. There are 2 recognized varieties ˆ P. g. var. torreyana (Benson) Johnston grows primarily in the deserts and drylands of southwestern USA and northern Mexico; P. g. var. glandulosa is found from Mexico north to Kansas and east to Louisiana. USE: The pods and the gum from the bark are edible, pods and leaves are used as fodder and flowers are a source of honey. Wood is used as firewood, charcoal and timber. It has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, including lice control and treatment of sore throat, skin sores and ulcers. Reported to be a collyrium, emetic and laxative, it is a folk remedy for dyspepsia, eruptions, hernias and skin and umbilical ailments. The tree is used for shade, shelter, erosion control, as a support and fence and for agroforestry. It can fix atmospheric nitrogen and the fallen leaves are soil improving. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. Trees can grow rapidly and yield over 5 t/ha/yr. COMMON NAMES: Honey mesquite. FURTHER INF: Moderately salt and frost tolerant. It thrives under high temperatures and survives in areas with very low precipitation but is usually found in areas with groundwater reserves. In its drier, western range, it occurs along streams and in low-lying areas. In areas with more rainfall, it occurs on open range or in chaparral. It has a very deep root system (up to 18.3 m) that can extract moisture from the water table. It often grows in dense thickets near desert washes but also occurs at the base of sand dunes and other areas where the water table is close to the surface. A long period of consistently low daily minimum temperatures during the winter provides the tree with the chilling requirement that facilitates early bud break. Once the chilling requirement is met, relatively warm minimum daily temperatures can hasten bud break.
Grassland Index
ICRAF Agroforestree Database (02.07.02) E11752