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Tipuana tipu

Common names
Ecocrop code11655

DESCRIPTION: It is a semi-deciduous tree reaching 10-30 m in height, with a light spreading crown and spreading branches. Bark red-brown, trunk fissured and flaking with age, bark on the branches grey and cracked, sap from the cut branches red and sticky. Leaves pinnate, alternate, petiolate, with pulvinus base. Flowers many, in long, showy, loose sprays, each with wavy yellow-orange petals. Trees are shallow rooted and are liable to be blown over by strong winds. USE: The wood is used as timber and fuel and the flowers are a good source of honey. The tree is planted as an ornamental and shade tree near patios and as a lawn or street tree because of its thick growing habit and spreading shape. The tree fixes atmospheric nitrogen and dead flowers produce litter, which improves soil texture and nutrient content. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. COMMON NAMES: Pride of Bolivia, racehorse tree, rosewood, tipu tree. FURTHER INF: Its natural range is Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and the mountain forests of Bolivia and it is now widely planted from the Mediterranean region to the tropics. It is drought resistant and prefers sunny locations. It tolerate a wide variety of soils, including black cotton, but prefer medium clay-loam.
Grassland Index
ICRAF Agroforestree Database (26.06.02) E11655