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Vigna oblongifolia

Common names
Ecocrop code11399

DESCRIPTION: A variable herbaceous legume with trailing or weakly twining (rarely semi-erect) habit, to 0.8 m high, and with stems 1-5 m long. Leaves trifoliolate, 1.5-12 cm long, 0.2-2.5 (-3.5) cm wide. Inflorescence a raceme comprising 2-10 yellow or greenish-yellow flowers. Pods 2-6.5 cm long. USE: Very palatable pioneer in permanent pasture and for short-term pasture leys. GROWING PERIOD: Annual or short-lived perennial. COMMON NAMES: FURTHER INF: Extends form 29ºS in South Africa to north of the equator in Ethiopia at elevations between 300-1900 m. Found in damp grassland, thicket, woodland, cultivation areas, often on rocky soil, frequently near edges of lakes, stream banks, high water table or in swamps. Occurs in areas with annual rainfall ranging from 350-1200 mm and average annual temperatures between 17-23ºC, experiencing frosts in the higher latitudes. Found on clays, clay loams, loams and sands usually with impeded drainage and with pH of 5.2-8.5. In cultivation, it has failed to persist in well-drained, low rainfall environments. Produces from 2-6 t/ha/year DM.
Grassland Index
Tropical forages 2005