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Vigna vexillata

Authority(L.) A. Richard
SynonymsDolichos vexillatus (L.) Kunth, Phaseolus vexillatus L., Plectrotropis angustifolia Schumach. & Thonn., Vigna angustifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Hook. f., Vigna capensis (Thunb.) Burtt Davy, Vigna capensis Walp., Vigna dolichoneura Harms, Vigna hirta Hook., Vigna reticulata auct. non Hook., Vigna tuberosa A. Richard, Vigna vexillata (L.) Benth.
Common namesaka sasage, bejuco marrullero, chorreque, fuji sasage, pois poison, pois zombi, qua, thwàx phi, wild cowpea, wild mung bean, ye jiang dou, zombi pea
Ecocrop code10836

Perennial herbaceous vine, that usually flowers and fruits in the summer and is harvested at the end of the season.

Zombi pea, Aka sasage, Pois zombi, Pois poison.

Scientific synonyms: V. capensis, V. carinalis, V. crinita, V. golungensis, V. hirta, V. scabra, V. senegalensis, V. thonningii, V. tuberosa, Phaseolus pulniensis, P. quadriflorus, P. sepiarius, P. vexillatus, Plectrotropis hirsuta, Strophostyles capensis. Zombi pea can be grown from sea level up to 2250 m in elevation. It is often grown in humid and eroded areas. Dry matter yields may be between 0.3-2.7 t/ha.
Grassland Index
Duke J 1981 pp 306-307 [USE, PH, RAIN, TEMP]
Roecklein J 1987 pp 471 [USE]
National RC 1979 pp 34
Skerman P 1988 pp 482-483 [KTMP, USE]