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Stylosanthes scabra

Common names
Ecocrop code10150

DESCRIPTION: A shrubby erect to suberect legume reaching a height of up to 2 m, with strong, deep taproot (to 4 m). Leaves trifoliolate, terminal leaflet 20-33 mm long, 4-12 mm wide. Flowers pale to darker yellow. Two types recognised in northern South America: 1) Brazilian coastal type from higher rainfall districts close to the coast and 2) Continental type from Colombia, Venezuela and central Brazil. USE: Used as perennial pasture, cut-and-carry and fodder. Agroforestry potential providing shade not too intense. KILLING T: The plant may tolerate light frost to -3°C. Heavy frosts can kill the crowns. GROWING PERIOD: Perennial. Growing from spring to autumn. It can withstand up to 6 months of drought. COMMON NAMES: Shrubby stylo. FURTHER INF: It is native of South America between 11.3ºN (Venezuela) to 28ºS (Argentina) from sea level to 2000 m in elevation. It has a photoperiod requirement for flowering of between 11.5 and 12.5 hours. Occurs in areas with annual rainfall between 350-2650 mm, best between 700-1600 mm. It is moderate shade tolerance, growing successfully under coconuts and developing rubber. Well adapted to infertile, acid, friable or hard-setting, sandy to loamy soil. Dry matter production may be from 1-9 t/ha.
Grassland Index
Skerman P 1988 pp 436-444 [RAIN, DRA, DEP, FER, PH, TEXT]
Miller C 1990 pp 37
Mannetje L 1992 pp 219-221 [RAIN, DRA, KTMP, TEXT, FER, PH]
Tropical forages 2005